You may have first seen Robert Moore as the hero on the verge of madness blasting away zombies in the grind house romp known as the "Disease of the Dead" series directed by his brother "CBS."
If you witnessed his on screen persona, then you know that the man can handle an ostentatiously big hand gun while saving us all from the zombie apocalypse. This is why when the undead do decide to rise for a "midnight brain snack" the safest place to be will be in the Top 5 Comic Shop where Robert will be holding down the fort. And while we are all waiting for such a battle Robert will probably impress us all by staging a Kung Fu film festival that demonstrates his encyclopedic knowledge of Hong Kong cinema, kick all of our butts at the in store X-Box 360 while giving an "Old School Manga" lecture, and then mock our confused looks as he forces us to watch rare anime imports in untranslated Japanese.